The Entrepreneurial Big Bang: How Startups Emerge and Thrive
We live in a world of rapidly advancing technology, but have any of us ever stopped to wonder about the origins of our environment, planet, galaxy, and the universe as a whole? Many entrepreneurs are lost in a similar thought - they get lost in running their businesses and sometimes forget to stop and focus on the reason their company was created in the first place.
Conception to Creation
Out of all these theories,The Big Bang Theory is currently the most accurate scientific model we have for the origin of the universe in terms of its agreement with the laws of physics. Much like the Big Bang Theory, many entrepreneurial ventures are created as a result of different stories, experiences and situations, driving individuals to build their concept to life.
Starting in scientific form in 1931, the idea of a Big Bang first appeared in a paper by Georges Lemaitre, a Belgian cosmologist and Catholic priest, and has become more well known ever since. The origin of Entrepreneurship is even older than the proposed Big Bang Theory! The word comes is believed to come from the French word "Entreprendre", coined by 18th century Irish-French Economist, Richard Cantillon.
Cosmic Expansion
According to this theory, the universe began as a singularity, a point of infinite density and temperature. This singularity then expanded rapidly in an event called the Big Bang, approximately 13.8 billion years ago. All the biggest brands in the world across industries today, such as Amazon, Nike and McDonald's all began as a small speck on the global scale.
From selling books in a garage or a kitchen system built on tennis courts to what they are today, these global brands have grown over a long period of time, forming different processes and brand images to eventually become shining stars. Similarly, as the universe expanded, it cooled, allowing the formation of subatomic particles, atoms, and eventually galaxies and stars. The early universe was very different from the one we observe today, much like the rise of technology in the modern world.
Explosion of Evolution
The Big Bang Theory, was the resultant of the explosion of a tiny, dense fireball that ultimately lead to the creation of the entire universe as we know it. The initial spark is what led to this significant growth (which still continues to this day). As a business owner or an entrepreneur, the individuals' or teams' initial spark to solve a problem is what leads to the formation of innovative ideas to turn into a business.
It is through this explosive burst of passion that entrepreneurs are able to keep working on their business. Evolution is constantly necessary to keep yourself at the top of the business game, otherwise, many companies become like dinosaurs - and we all know what happened to dinosaurs.
The Big Bang Theory is still an active area of research, with many unanswered questions, such as the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and the possible existence of other universes. As for those aspiring to be entrepreneurs, there are endless solutions to problems left unresolved or even for those which the world may not think it needs. Those who are running their businesses know how it feels to solve those pain points the world faces to make it a better place.
The idea that the universe began as just a single point, then expanded and stretched to grow continuously is a fascinating thought that not many of us ponder on. Similarly, business owners are so focused on managing their business and finances, they forget their purpose for starting that journey.
What is your purpose? Are you following it or are you buried in the day-to-day management? Contact us and let us enable you to follow your purpose, while we take care of the rest.